Our Solutions


RIOTT for Change subscribes to the following principles:

  • Barriers to inclusion are comprised of underlying systemic inequities (i.e. organizational policies, processes, practices) and behavior that is rewarded.
  • Behavior is learned.
  • Inappropriate or unwanted behavior can be unlearned and replaced with desired behavior.
  • Sustainable change, as it relates to diversity, equity, and inclusion, lies within awareness, curiosity, and action.

These principles guide the solutions that RIOTT for Change offer to clients.

Strategic Road Mapping Sessions

Organizations may have the best of intentions when it comes to creating diverse, equitable, and inclusive environments.  Without a measurable, impact driven plan, real change will not occur.  Knowing where to start and having an executable plan are critical to success.  RIOTT For Change partners with organizational leaders to create a customized diversity, equity, and inclusion strategy roadmap.  Six hours of strategic visioning with us will result in an executable 18-month plan that yields measurable organizational outcomes. 

Learning Experiences

Focusing only on implicit bias and a “one and done” learning approach is just not enough to create real, sustainable change.  Learning is unique and individual to the person and organization.  Facilitating discovery conversations and guided by the tenants of awareness, curiosity, and change, RIOTT for Change customizes learning to meet audiences right where they are while feeling safe.


Organizational inclusion is typically thwarted by systemic inequity.  Even with the best diversity, equity, and inclusion intentions and efforts, an organization can hinder its success by failing to examine the systems that inadvertently exclude.  RIOTT for Change partners with organizations to assess potential systemic landmines and offer recommendations for positive, lasting change.


Now, more than ever, there is a need for inclusive leaders.  Exceptional strategy execution and winning require leaders to engage and include everyone at the table.  Leaders interact daily with employees of different backgrounds, cultures, thinking, experiences, and needs.  Engaging these differences is a skill that is critical for driving results and intended outcomes. But, remember – this is not just about numbers – it is also about meaning. RIOTT for Change provides individual coaching for leaders who desire to operate from an equity lens and harness the power of a team of individuals who feel they belong and can bring their whole and best selves to work. 

Schedule A Discovery Call

Contact us to learn how your organization can benefit from our DEI solutions.